Monthly Archives: April 2013

017/Death spiral.

I stole that from my comrade and colleague, Jason Gottsacker (Web Technologies Officer of Music Library Student Group, aka MusLibKids, aka MLSG, etc. etc.). Upon further research (like any good librarian), it’s also an ice-skating move and a type of insurance plan. Great! But that’s basically how I’m feeling, with intermittent bursts of life! Spring! Graduation! Summer! Everything seems to be happening all at once, as it usually does.

I literally have two weeks until I am done with my MLIS. Graduation isn’t until May 10, but I’m not walking. I’ve decided to use the money I would have spent on the cap/gown/hood ridiculous-ness on a nice frame for my diploma (and do my undergrad one while I’m at it). My final project = print music vs. digital music…who wins? Wouldn’t want it to give it all away now (especially since I’m not quite finished, ahem), but I think in the end, we all win! Sounds cliche, but we can make informed decisions that work best for our respective situations (and wallets).

Onto the most exciting news: I’m a Tanglewood Library Fellow! This is super exciting and I’m SO jazzed and honored. I know a few previous fellows and they’ve all given rave reviews. Let me see, 8 weeks of classic and contemporary music, made by amazing musicians from all over the world, conducted by world class maestros/maestri (I think both are correct, but please let me know!), coached by principal BSO players…oh you know, no biggie.

So, death spiral be damned! You will be over briefly and a music/libraries/summer spiral will commence. Hopefully some swimming will also ensue.

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